During my internship at Publicis I was asked to create a logo for the Simply Goods team. I also designed a deck template to be used for presentations. The logo and deck were selected by the client and implemented within the office.

A walk can be a great way to clear creative cobwebs. I find that creative solutions can suddenly appear when you step outside for some air. In this case I was hit with a concept for an entire project, infographics to visually document what occurred during a walk through my neighborhood.

Film Club Posters
Motion posters for a Holloween screening of classic horror films at CCNY

Noguchi Art Book
Self initiated project utilizing space and light to complement the work of Ismau Noguchi.

Experimental Type 
Self guided type experiment with ink and water. The type was inspired by the sounds of Nicholas Britell scores.

The Salty Cellar
A collection of wine lables that pay homage to some of my favorite art movements

Reality of the SAT
A research book that exposes the faults and flaws of standard testing within the US.